Attitude plays a significant role in your life. It shows your way of thinking and helps you move forward in life. Having a good attitude is necessary if you expect positive upshots in life. But at times you must have a savage kind of attitude to deal with the haters. Not everyone around you becomes happy with your success. There are some people who always want you to be in trouble. The best way to deal with them is to have a fierce attitude.
Best Attitude Status: New Attitude WhatsApp Status in English
Are you looking for the best attitude status for FB and WA to express yourself? Then here we have got the perfect one-line attitude statuses:
- Do you think I’m bad? Then you’re wrong. I am the worst.
- I’m a cool person, but who loves to do stupid things.
- That’s fair enough!! that I’m Awesome 🙂. Who Cares!!
- Sometimes patience has limits.
- I don’t have an attitude! Well, I just have a personality you can’t handle.
- Well, I forgive but never forget.
- I don’t pretend to be something I’m not. I know I am the best.
- I am awesome, and I know it.
- When you feel insulted, I am just describing you.
- You need friends to be successful in life, but to be more successful, you need better enemies.
- Don’t give advice until you’re asked to.
- Normal is boring.
- I delete your number I’m basically deleting you from my life. (Breakup Status)
- Not always available try your luck some other time 😉
- Legends don’t die; I am the living example.
- I’m not totally useless. I am still the best example of uselessness.
- I may be wrong, but I doubt it.
Latest and New Attitude Status for Boys:
- Come to my heart and pay no rent.
- An apple a day keeps everyone away. Just throw it hard. 😛
- Do people talk behind my back? It is, in fact, the best position to kiss my as**.
- 95% CEO’s are Boys, Not girls 😛
- Every mother gives birth to a child. But my mother did not! She gave birth to a legend.
- You Can’t Laugh at yourself then Call me.
- I heard you are a player. Nice meeting you. Well, I am a coach.
- Good girls keep diaries; bad girls do not have time.
- Success hugs you in private, and the failure slaps you in public.
- Attitude is actually a magnet what you think is what you attract.
- Do not judge me by my past; I don’t live there anymore.
- Life gives you what you need, not what you want.
- The greatest pleasure in life is to do what people think you can’t.
- Success is not for lazy, because it is not easy.
- I love to destroy my enemies by making them friends.
- Don’t get into fights with ugly people. They don’t have anything to lose.
- Taking revenge is wrong, but it’s fun.
- Insult and wife both are similar. They look good if it is not yours.
- My parents are lucky as they have a child like me.
- Einstein – Genius mind! Bill Gates – Brilliant mind. ME – Never Mind!
- Do a favor to me, please. Take a selfie. Then send it to me. I am playing cards, and I’m missing joker 😉
- Hey you! Don’t copy my status.
- I am not lazy. I am just on energy saving mode.
- Your status can’t ever match my status. Neither on Whatsapp nor in real life.
- Attitude is like underwear, don’t show it just wear it.
- I have stopped fighting with my inner demons. Now we are on the same side.
- You will find a person pretty than me, smarter than me. But you will never gonna find a person like me.
- I am cool, but this global warming makes me hot.
- When I die, some people will get haunted.
- You have a problem with me. Then take a car and drive down to hell.
- When you can’t kill them with kindness, then use a basketball. The results may vary.
- I tried to be normal. It was so boring. So I went back to being me.
- Don’t give me your attitude unless you want mine.
- I am having technical issues with my attitude today.
- I hate when you have to be nice to the person you really want to throw a brick at.
- Judge me, and I am ready to prove you wrong.
Dangerous Killer Attitude Status for Whatsapp:
Almost everyone uses Whatsapp these days. It is necessary to change your Whatsapp Attitude Status for Instagram. Here are some killer Whatsapp statutes that will surely help you show your personality on your social media. Choose one and impress people by uploading the killer attitude status on Whatsapp.
- I am not a ruler, but I have some rules.
- It’s my life so keep your poky nose out of it.
- Shhh! I am hiding from stupid people.
- Life is too short, so why you are wasting it in reading my Whatsapp status.
- I have learned the most profitable lessons from my failures, not success.
- Too glam to give a damn.
- I have chosen to make the rest of life the best of my life.
- I prefer to have honest enemies rather than having fake friends.
- You should work for a cause, not for applause.
- I change my attitude according to the type of people I have around me.
- They say that nothing is possible. I do nothing every day.
- I never dream about success. I work for it.
- You can’t convince them? Then confuse them.
- Hello there! I have found your nose; it was again in my business.
- I arrive late at the office. I make it by leaving early.
- Do not be the reason you don’t succeed.
- My life my rules, keep your poky nose out of it.
- I often talk to myself as I often need expert advice.
- I am a nice person with a bad attitude.
- You are the maker of your future, so make it better.
- Sometimes you succeed, and sometimes you learn.
- Not having money does not make you poor. But not having a goal makes.
- I am good enough to forgive you but not dupe to trust you again.
- Whatsapp is like a refrigerator, you know there is nothing new but still, you check it.
- Advantage of being a fool; you are always satisfied with yourself.
- Dream it, do it.
- I don’t argue. I just explain why I am right.
- Study me as much as you like.
- I never mind if nobody likes me. After all, I am not a Whatsapp status.
- I am who I am; your approval is not needed.
- Don’t let the bad attitude of others ruin good attitude of yours.
- I am only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
- Think positive, live positive if you want to get positive results.
- Adore me or dislike me. You can’t stop me from shining.
- I don’t care what others say about me as long as it is not true.
- Don’t like me? Huh then why so interested in checking my Whatsapp status.
- My GF said I need to be more affectionate. Now I have two GFs :D.
- People with status don’t need status.
Short Status on Attitude 2 Liner:
Have you ever given deep thought before uploading status on social media? What status actually is? It is the easiest way to express your emotions and feelings. You want to say something indirectly to someone. Just choose the right words and upload. A status directly touches your heart. An attitude status shows your personality, and you do not need a long sentence to express your feelings every time. A short status can also do the job, having said that, uploading an attitude status in English 2 line will be fun.
- Different from everyone!
- Someone dislikes you for no reason, then give him a reason.
- My kindness is not a sign of my weakness.
- I was born cool; do you have a problem with that?
- I broke up with my gym this morning. We both did not work out.
- Good girls help people. Bad girls don’t have time.
- Some people need a High Five on their face. LOL
- I am not supposed to upload my status for you. Check later.
- An attitude is just like a price tag. It shows how valuable you are.
- My views may have changed but not the fact that I am right.
- At age 28, being single is my attitude.
- We are living in an era of smartphones and stupid people.
- I was not born to impress; I was born to express.
- I am now tired of following my dreams. I will ask them where they are going then meet them later.
Positive Attitude Whatsapp Status
A positive attitude is a guide to leading a positive life. No matter how down do you feel, keeping the positive attitudes bring good results. Here are a few positive attitude statuses that will help you feel better in the ups and downs of life:
- Try, fail, learn, and win.
- Mistakes are proof you are still trying.
- Unbending trees are easily broken.
- The thought is the child of action.
- Life is 10% what happens to someone and 90% how he/she react to it.
- Insecurities are loud while as confidence is silent.
- Focus on things that matter and let go off that does not.
- Don’t try to find a reason to help people. Just do it!
- Try and fail. But never give up trying.
- Think big, act big, and get big.
- You can’t escape your heart, so it is better to listen to what it says.
Attitude Status for Facebook in English
- I do not have bad handwriting. I have my own FONT.
- Do not get confused with my personality and my attitude.
- Excuse me! I found something under my shoes. OH! It’s your attitude.
- I am not special. I am a limited edition.
- My ego and my attitude both are better than you.
- Stop checking my statuses. Go get a life.
- You think you’re bad, then call me your dad.
- I don’t care what others think about me. I am not here to please everyone.
- People show me attitude. It means they need one to impress me.
- My attitude is purely based on how somebody treats me.
- Yeah, you! The one who is reading my comments. Get Lost!
- Hey, don’t move! I have lost my mind.
- I am a dude with a sexy attitude.
Attitude Status About Me
- Time is precious, so, waste it wisely.
- I am jealous of my parents as I will never have an awesome kid like me.
- You change nothing; nothing will change.
- Smile till you have teeth.
- Don’t play with me. I am the champion.
- The dogs will bark, let the caravan move on.
- I will win. Not immediately but definitely.
- My ambitions are handicapped by laziness.
- I was so surprised when I was born that I did not talk for two years.
- Great your fears with a smile. I do it every day when I meet my girlfriend.
- I learn from the mistakes of those people who take my advice.
Instagram Attitude Status
- Silence is indeed the best response to a fool.
- I am fat? No worries. You are ugly. I can lose weight.
- I am hot, but winters make me cool.
- No struggle, no progress.
- Think positive and fill your life with happiness.
- Attitude is everything!
- A bad attitude is like a flat tire. It will not take you longer.
- Dieting is not my thing as I get hungry.
- Nothing keeps me down besides gravity.
- Always wear your invisible crown.
- Don’t promise, just prove.
- I apologize. It was entirely my mistake that I forgot you are an idiot.
- Say I am not worth it and see where I end up.
- You never know what you have until you clean your bedroom.
- Don’t let others dull your sparkle.
- Kill them with your success.
- I keep my heel, head, and standards high.
Attitude Quotes and Sayings
- I have not changed myself, I just grew up, and you should try it too.
- Your success is the biggest slap on your hater’s face.
- Rather than checking my status, spend time with your girlfriend.
- My laziness is like number 8 when I lie down; it becomes infinity.
- Those who tolerate me daily are the real heroes.
- I am not feeling violent. I am just feeling creative with weapons.
- I don’t have a dirty mind. I have a creative mind.
- Be yourself and do whatever you want to.
- Attitude is the difference between success and failure.
- Excellence is an attitude, not a skill.
- Your attitude might hurt me, but mine can kill you.
- I am a kind person until people piss me off.
- My attitude is like a mirror. It reflects what is in front of it.
- I am the queen who does not need a king.
- Yes! I am smiling, but you are not the reason this time so chill.
Royal Attitude Status In English
Looking for the attitude status suits your royal personality and attitude? Then you are in the right place. Here you will find the best attitude status that will show off your royal image. Have a look!
- I don’t give attitude I just return it with interest.
- I am not a second option to you either choose me or lose me.
- Not all things that fall down break. Some develop wings.
- Whenever I think of quitting smoking, I need a cigarette to think.
- My back is not a voicemail buddy, so better say it right on my face.
- If anyone says you are ugly, tell them oh sorry I was only trying to look like you.
- To make your dreams come true, you need to start from waking up.
- Whenever you have a problem, sing, you will soon realize that your voice is worse than your problem.
- Some people need to open their tiny minds instead of opening their big mouths.
- I don’t wake up every day to impress stupid people around me.
Single attitude status in English
After the breakup, the ex-partners always try to pretend that they are happy, and it just not affected them in any way. Here are some of the best single attitude statuses that you can upload on your social media.
- I am single, no, I am not available.
- Sometimes it is cleverer to be alone than to be with a wrong person.
- Single! Because I have not found the person, who DESERVES me.
- Stay single! Stay faithful.
- Why fall in love, dude! you can fall asleep
- Single is, in fact, an opportunity to live life on your own terms.
- Being single means riding solo and enjoying.
- Intelligent boys are single.
- I just need coffee, friends, and a movie. I am happy being single.
- When you are single, you are actually in a relationship with freedom.
- Keep calm! I am single.
- Dear weather! Please don’t try to be so romantic cz I’m single.
- Flirting is the way for singles to say I’m free.
- Totally single, totally free, totally happy. Have problem with that?
- Everyone is just worried about how to celebrate Valentine this year, and I am like, I love food.
- A king is more powerful without a queen. Enjoy being single!
- I am in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend who lives in future.
- I have more money these days because I am single.
- Single and proud!
- Do what’s right, not what is easy to do!
Punjabi attitude status in English:
Punjabi is an interesting language. Here is presented a list of a few Punjabi attitude statuses that will surely help you show your personality and attitude on social media:
- 4 din day pyar da tay yar da okhaly welay hi pata chalda ay.
- Kise da haq mar k khadi roti nalu bhukay rehna changa ay.
- Kale rehna mera attitude ay!
- Asi keemat naal nahi kismat naal milday han
- Na chaku rakhday haan na pistol rakhday han…dilwalyan dy putar han bs dil wich jigar rakhday han
- Umer wich ty appa chotay haan pr bray bray ashiq sanu Salam thokday nay.
- Tenu lgda veham ho gya, jutt tan hor v kaim ho gya
- Jutt da dimag ty pind day jawak dowe vigar jan ty maare hunday nay
- Zindagi vich kamyab hon layi positive attitude hona chaye da.
- Dukh wele sad status, sukh wele picture…har wele e online
- Munda ohi labna jo aeroplane chala skda hovay, bullet ty har koi chala lenda.
- Tusi sanu option samjo gay tay asi v twanu choice smaj k chad dyan gay
- Hath ty ghari pawe koi v bani Howe, waqt apna hona chaye da.
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very nice attitude status english...wonder full
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